Technology enablement and demos

Bring your products to life.

Weave emotion and logic into story-driven demonstrations your prospects can relate to.

Captivate prospects with something new to see

Industrial trade shows are packed with similar products and demos. How can you stand out from the crowd and catch your prospects' attention?

To make our HMIs more engaging and memorable, I programmed them to randomly display vivid colors that eventually transformed into our flagship software's Crimson® logo.

The result? Increased booth traffic and higher engagement as prospects stopped to watch.

By offering something new and unexpected, we captured the attention of our prospects and made our products stand out in a sea of sameness.

Build belief in your product

Your prospects need to believe that your product can solve their problems and that you understand their needs. But how can you build that belief?

I create demos that address the challenges I've heard about from the market and our field teams. By showing your prospects that you understand their goals and challenges, and that your product can deliver results, you can create a sense of belief that will make them more likely to convert.

With the right demos and messaging, you can build the kind of belief that leads to real-world results, from increased engagement to higher conversion rates.

Make it make sense.

Rushed, feature-heavy demos that don’t speak to their pain points can leave prospects confused and uninterested. That's why it's essential to make your demos approachable, easy to understand, and relevant to your audience.

Walk the journey with your customers

To connect the value of your product to your prospect's desired outcomes, you need to truly understand your customer. This means meeting them where they are in their buying journey and providing content that addresses their needs at every step.

I had the pleasure of creating this Crimson 3.1 video series, which was a fun and rewarding project. By walking through the buying journey with our customers and creating content that spoke to their needs, we were able to make a lasting impact that still resonates today.

Years later, I still receive messages from people who have discovered the video series and reached out on LinkedIn to thank me for putting it together. The series has led to new business opportunities and reinforced the commitment we made to putting our customers first at every step of the journey.

Craft product demos that stand out

As someone who's fascinated by the intersection of creativity and technology, I'm always looking for ways to make product demos stand out and capture attention.

By bringing me into the mix, you get someone who is not only creative and passionate about product demos but also has the technical chops to make them happen.

Here are just a few of the things I did as part of the demo you'll see on this page:

  • Hardware configuration and programming

  • Ubidots dashboards

  • Advanced web server pages using Bootstrap, JavaScript and chart.js

  • MQTT configuration of 4G LTE cellular router

  • Network setup

  • HMI programming, including C-like code to simulate operation

  • HMI display designs

Whether it's a water/wastewater application, an insurance rating or mortgage demo, or even a competitive Simon game made from industrial lights, I'll create a demo that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression.

If you've made it to the bottom of the page, it seems like you're ready to disrupt the status quo and build something extraordinary.


Articles and Thought Leadership


Voiceover and Multimedia