CSIA Regional Meeting 2019

Digital transformation means many things to many people, and can seem fuzzy.

If we instead focus on the business outcomes we want to drive, we can define even a single small step we can take on the IIoT journey.

Today I’ll be at the CSIA - Control System Integrators Association regional meeting. I’m so pleased to be part of a task force digging into what digital transformation *means* to Industry, and more specifically, how it impacts SIs. #iiot, #industry4_0 and #digitaltransformation mean so many things to so many people - depending on region, market segment, and even functional group within an organization. It can be a fuzzy goal to set out to achieve; but if we can instead keep focused on the BUSINESS OUTCOMES we want to drive, connecting those back to even a single small step in a #digitaltransformation journey becomes that much more manageable. Looking forward to today’s discussion and appreciate the stewardship Jose M Rivera and Sam Hoff are bringing to this important conversation.


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