International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Think about this sentence for a moment: "When Lise Meitner finished school at age 14, she was barred from higher education, as were all girls in Austria."

Barred from higher education - AS WERE ALL GIRLS in Austria.

Because of Meitner’s drive and extraordinary work as a physicist, chemical element 109 is named for her. Today, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, I am so grateful for women like Lise Meitner and so many more whose names we may never know who paved the way so women like me aren't barred from higher education, can earn Electrical Engineering degrees, and find things in science and technology that spark our imagination.

Because of these #womeninscience, girls like Lily Born (who at age 11 invented the spill-proof, eco-friendly Kangaroo Cup), Deepika Kurup (who developed a low-cost water purification system at 14), Azza Abdel Hamid Faiad (who at 16 is turning plastic into bio-fuel) are able to walk a clearer path toward science and technology and further pave the way for the *next* generation.

To learn more about the International Day of Women in Science, you can visit: #electricalengineering #girlengineer #ilooklikeanengineer #UN hashtag#womeninstem #girlsinstem #girlswhocode #womenwhocode #educationChangesLives


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